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SS2 First Term English Language Lesson Note – The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Society

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Speech Work: Consonants Clusters (three Consonants in Initial position); Vocabulary Development; Words associated with the Human Body System and Function; Reading Comprehension: Reading for Main Gist: ‘Andrew’s Birthday Party’ (NOSEC, pages 12 – 13) Structure: Punctuation: Capitalization; Writing Skills: Narrative: (Format and style) “The effects of drugs and alcohol on the society”. Summary: Exercise: Oil Palm industry (NOSEC, page 22).


TOPIC: Consonants Clusters: Three Consonants in Initial position

A consonant is a speech sound produced by partly or totally blocking the path of air through the mouth. These speech sounds are represented by such notations such as /b//p/t/d/k/and /z/.

These consonants can occur alone or in a bunch. In a word like ‘lap’ there are two consonants (l and p) spaced between a vowel. But in the word ‘clap’ two consonants occur before the vowel, thus giving the two a bunch (kl). This is a consonant cluster. Thus, a consonant cluster is a group of consecutive consonants in the same syllable. Consonant cluster can recur in bunches of two or three in the initial and four at final position.


  1. stop, slap, cling – cluster of two consonants
  2. sprout, streak, stroke – cluster of three consonants.
  3. prompts, strengthened, pints -cluster of four consonants.

It is important to establish that in English there are no clusters of identical consonants. Also, not all sequences of consonants are clusters. Possible clusters are summarized below:

Type (a):                                                         Examples

m                                 smell

n                                  snow

p                                  spell

s +       t           + Vowel          stock

k                                  skull

f                                   sphere

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