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SS2 Catering Craft Practices Lesson Note on Roasting and Grilling

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TOPIC: Principles of cooking methods (roasting and grilling Frying) e.g. fish beef and poultry

SUB-TOPIC 1:  ROASTING AND GRILLING e.g. fish, beef and poultry.

Roasting is a method of cooking food in:

  1. Open fire pot over a glowing fire e.g., roasted groundnuts
  2. On a grid over smokeless cinders or charcoal e.g., roasted plantain
  3. In hot ash or sand e.g., roasted yam or potatoes
  4. In a little oil pot (pot roasting e.g., chicken, whole pieces of meat.)
  5. In the oven (oven roasting e.g., meat chicken etc.)

Grilling is a method of cooking under, in front of or over an open smokeless fire. It may also be done by means of heat from an electric or gas burner directed down on to the food. A quick method of cooking use mostly for meat and fish.

General rules for roasting and grilling.

  1. Only the best quality foods should be used
  2. Use only tender cuts of meats and small pieces of fish; cut meat into thin pieces to ensure thorough cooking.
  3. Use a hot, glowing smokeless fire to brown the food quickly.
  4. Heat the grid before using; this helps to brown the food quickly.
  5. Grease wet foods before placing on grid, this prevents them from sticking and drying up.
  6. Turn foods repeatedly to prevent over cooking on one side.
  7. See that the pot or sand used for roasting is clean.
  8. Use a wooden spoon for stirring groundnuts in a pot, so as to ensure even roasting.
  9. Foods roasted in sand or ash should not be peeled before roasting. The skin act as a protective covering.

Recipe for roasted and grilled foods.

Roasted chicken

Ingredients:     – 1 chicken                  – stuffing(optional)     – oil or drippings

  • Onion (optional) – (3 slices bacon)


  1. Dress the chicken (it should be plucked and drawn, and marinaded for about I hour in oil) sfuff if required
  2. Heat a little oil or dripping in the baking tin and place the chicken in it, breast upward. Cover breast with slices of bacon or smear with oil.
  3. Roast in hot oven, basting well to keep it moist.
  4. A young chicken will need about 45 minutes a full- grown bird about ½ hours.
  5. When cooked, remove bacon and allow breast to brown for a further 5 minutes.


  1. Discuss grilling method of cooking
  2. State 4 rules in grilling and roasting of foods.

SUB-TOPIC 2: Recipe on roasted and grilled foods.

Roasted Beef

  • 1kg steak – 3 tbsp oil       – 3 tomatoes   –  ½ tin tomato paste
  • 2 onions – salt and pepper         – 500g potatoes
  • Thyme –  225ml water stock.


  1. Prepare meat make into a neat shape. Trim superfluous parts etc
  2. Season with salt and pepper
  3. Heat oil in saucepan; when hot place meat in and brown quickly on all sides to seal in the juice, add a little water.
  4. Reduced, the heat and cook gently until meat is tender.
  5. Peel potatoes and cook whole in boiling salted water. Peel and slice onions, prepare and slice tomatoes.
  6. When meat is cooked remove: then fry potatoes in the oil until they are golden brown, remove and keep warm. Strain oil to remove burnt bits’
  7. Return strain oil pan. Make a gravy by frying the sliced onions in the oil till it limp and pale brown. Add pepper and tomatoes and continue cooking. Add thyme, mix tomato paste with remain water or stock and add to gravy. Bring to boil and seson.
  8. Place meat in a oval dish, arrange potatoes round and pour gravy over meat or serve gravy in a gravy dish.
  9. Serve with green vegetables or green salad.

Fish Barbeque

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