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SS2 Catering Craft Practices Lesson Note on Hors D’ Oeuvers; Sweets and Farinaceous Dishes

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Demonstration practical: stocks, soups and sauces-steamed egg custard.

Sub-Topic I: Principles of cooking methods –HORS D’ OEUVERS, SWEETS and FARINACEOUS DISHES.

Hors d’ oeuvres are preliminary first course dishes intended to act as appetizers. They may be served cold or hot. Hors d’ oeuvres are divided into three categories:

  1. Single cold food items e.g. smoked salmon, pate melon, caviar, oysters etc.
  2. A selection of well – seasoned cold dishes e.g. terrine f chicken and vegetables, terrine of bacon, spinach and mushroom etc.
  3. Well-seasoned hot dishes- e.g. chicken pant or tellint, balsamic vinaigrette, sea foods crepes.

Receipe for  Hors d’ oeuvre (coleslaw)


125ml mayonnaise

200g cabbage

50g carrot

25g onions


  1. Trim off the outside leaves of the cabbage
  2. Cut the soft ones into quarters
  3. Remove the stalk
  4. Wash, shred and drain
  5. Mix with fine julienne of raw carots and shredded onions
  6. Bind with mayonnaise sauce.


SWEETS:  sweets are deserts served at the end of a meal. They may be served in cups, plates, bowls depending on the type. Examples of desserts are puddings, soufflé, egg custard, pan cakes, cream caramel mousse, trifles, ice cream, gateau (chocolate, cream, jam), swiss roll, fresh fruit salad, bavarois etc.

Recipe for sweet (cream caramel)

Ingredients: 250 ml milk. 2 eggs, 2 drops vanilla flavour, 100g sugar

Method of preparation

  1. Boil sugar until golden brown
  2. Pour caramel into mould
  3. Prepare other ingredients as for egg custards
  4. Turn into the mould
  5. Steam or bake in low heat
  6. Allow to cool and turn into a dish.


Farinaceous dishes are commonly referred to as pasta dishes. It may be served as lunch, supper, dinner, snacks or as a garnish to other dishes. Rice dishes are included as farinaceous dishes. They are mainly carbohydrate foods but can be enriched with vegetables, meat or fish in order to balance the food. It is loved by children because of it softness and taste.

Rules in preparation of farinaceous dishes.

  1. Cook pasta with plenty of water to avoid gumming together.
  2. Add oil and drain well
  3. Reheat with salted water
  4. Serve separately with grated dishes.

Recipe for Farinaceous dishes (spaghetti bolognaise)


  • 200g spaghetti
  • 200g minced or diced meat
  • 250g demi-glace
  • 50g chesse
  • 50g margarine
  • 200g chopped onions,
  • Salt pepper, spices


  1. Palce margarine in a sauteuse
  2. Add onions, minced beef, and colour lightly
  3. Add demi- glace, simmer and correct seasoning
  4. Cook spaghaetti in plenty of boiling salted water
  5. Add the remaining margarine and stir
  6. Cook for 15 minutes and drain in a colander.

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