The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS2 Catering Craft Practices Lesson Note on Cake Mixtures and Decorations. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.
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TOPIC: Principles of cooking methods (baking) e.g. pastry and confectionery
Sub Topic 1: Baking (pastry and confectionery)-cake mixtures and decorations.
Sub Topic: cake mixture
Cakes are classified according to the method by which the fat is incorporated; this in turn is dependent upon the proportion of fat in the mixture. Therefore, cakes are classified as
NB: plainness or richness of cake mixtures refers to the proportion of fat in mixture and has nothing to do with the addition of fruit.
Choice of ingredients
General rules for cake making
Rubbed –in mixtures as the proportion of fat to flour is not more than half, it can conveniently be rubbed in.
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