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SPEECH WORK: Vowels /ei/ and /ƱƏ/
COMPREHENSION: The Lost Princess.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT (Words associated with Government and Politics).
STRUCTURE: Adverbial Clauses.
Writing Skills: Story writing – A story which illustrates the saying – “It is a man’s world”
Aspect: Speech Work
Topic: Vowels /ei/ and /uǝ/
Vowel /ei/
This is a closing diphthong with the glide movements of the tongue from /e/ sound to /i/ sound. The common spelling symbols are:
“a” as in …………… blame, rate, save, date, etc.
“ai” as in …………… sail, saint, paid, fail, bail, etc.
“ay” as in …………. pray, away, day, play, stay, etc.
“ei” as in …………. neighbor, veil, vein, fein, etc.
“ey” as in …………. prey, grey, conveys they, etc.
“ea” as in…………. great, break, steak, etc.
“e” as in …………… ballet, resume, fiancé, sachet, etc.
“eig/eigh” as in……… eight, freight, reign, sleigh, etc.
“au” as in …………… gauge, etc.
“aigh” as in ……………. straight, etc.
“ao” as in……………… gaol, etc.
“ee” as in ……………fiancée, nee, etc.
Vowel / ƱƏ/
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