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SS1 Third Term Catering Practice Lesson Note – Types of Services

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SUB-TOPIC 1: Pre service preparation/ Table linen.

Meaning of Pre-service preparation: It involves all the duties to be carried out before the actual service begins. In other words, it means preparation for service. The head waiter draws a duty roster showing the jobs to be completed before service and duty to be done at the end of the service.

The daily duties in the restaurant can be stated as follows:

  1. Check the booking for reservations.
  2. Clean the floor, brush the surrounding and empty waste bins.
  3. Polish the swing doors, glasses, sideboards and all furniture.
  4. Collect linen from the house keeping department, lay table cloth and fold serviettes.
  5. Switch on the hot plate and clean silver.
  6. Distribute the cruet to the tables and accompaniments to the sideboards.
  7. Place items for service in the sideboards.
  8. Clean the bar, polish glasses and clean cocktail equipment.
  9. Prepare the still room and replace all used items-melba toast, butter, coffee, milk, tea etc.
  10. Clearing up, crumbling down and switch off the hot plate.
  11. Return all silver cruets and accompaniments to the appropriate place.
  12. Put away all used equipment, empty and clean all trolleys and return to their appropriate places.


Table cloths Used for covering the table to beautify it.
Buffet cloth Long cloth for covering buffet tables
Trolley cloths Used in covering the trolley
Side board cloths Used in covering the sideboard
Tea cloth Used in drying item after washing
Glass cloth Used in drying glass wares
Serviette A piece of cloth or paper used at protecting your cloths and in cleaning your lips and fingers.

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