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SS1 Second Term English Language Lesson Note – The Origin of Silk

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WEEK:  10


SPEECH WORK: Speaking to persuade/convince;

COMPREHENSION: The Origin of Silk

VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Words associated with profession (Stock Exchange) STRUCTURE: Compound Complex sentences;

WRITING S SKILLS Expository (Organizing an Expository essay).

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Speaking to persuade/convince

Every communicator has an aim. The aim may be to inform, enlighten, narrate, describe or convince/persuade. The shade of writing or speaking meant to convince or persuade involves ARGUMENT. In argument, reasons and points are put forward in support of or in opposition to a point of view.

Argument, as a form of speaking or writing as the following attributes

  1. The proposer seeks to nullify, weaken or counterbalance the opponent’s view.
  2. Argument has two sides-the proposition and the opposition. A speaker can be on either side.
  3. The person arguing a point seeks to appeal to his readers or listeners by appealing to their feelings and minds.
  4. The implication is that anybody in argument most carefully sit down to marshal points in support of his argument.


  1. The person involved in argument must be on one side. He is either proposing or opposing. The points and views must not be mixed up.
  2. There must be appropriate introduction if this, the audience is captivated and held spellbound.
  3. The subject matter of the argument must be known right from the onset. In formal debate, the lead speaker must be carefully taken to do this at the beginning and also summarize at the end.
  4. The body of the argument must reflect the introduction and lead to the conclusion.
  5. The person arguing must opponent points and deal with them.
  6. Appropriate and solid points must be used. The argument must not be based on fantasy, rumor, ear say or controversy.

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