The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for SS1 Second Term English Language Lesson Note – Phrasal verb: Separable and Non-separable. Check below to download the complete DOCUMENT
Speech Work: Consonant sounds followed by k + w e.g., quench, quench, etc.
Comprehension/Summary: Summarizing in specified number of sentences. (NOSEC. Pg. 84)
Vocabulary Development Antonyms
Structure: Phrasal verb (Separable and Non-separable.);
Writing Skills: Descriptive (Organizing a Descriptive Essay) –
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Consonant sounds followed by K+W e.g. quench, quiet, etc.
This is a consonant cluster that involves two sounds /k/ and /w/. This sound is realised in the letter q, and ch which sound /kw/.
It is a voiceless uvular consonant sound. Examples are:square, squab, squabble, squatty, squadron, squalid, squall, squaw, squeak, squab, squalls, squish, squire, etc., qua, quad, quadrant, quadrate, quadric, quaff, quake, qualm, qualify, quality, etc. Choirmaster, choir, acquaint, racquets, acquit, kwashiorkor, etc.
EVALUATION: Write twenty examples of words on this sound.
ASPECT: Comprehension/Summary
TOPIC: Summarizing in specified number of sentences.
Reference Book: Banjo et al (2014) New Oxford Senior English Course for Secondary
Schools Book1 Ibadan: University Press PLC. Pages 84
Class Activity: Students are instructed to read the short passage and answer the question on it. The educator leads them to answer the summary question correctly.
ASPECT: Vocabulary Development.
TOPIC: Antonyms
Antonyms are words exactly opposite in meaning.
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