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SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Pillars of Democracy

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Pillars of Democracy. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. The constitution: The definition, meaning and explanation of the constitution
  2. The characteristics of the constitution


The practice of democracy is based on certain institutions, doctrines and laws without which it becomes difficult to operate. These institutions, doctrines and laws are referred to as the major pillars of democracy. These pillars of democracy include the followings:

Pillars of democracy

  1. Constitution
  2. Arms of government
  3. Political party
  4. Free press
  5. Fundamental human right
  6. Independent judiciary
  7. Rule of law
  8. Civil society
  9. Constitutionalism
  10. Independent electoral body
  11. Majority rule, minority right
  12. Armed forces


Constitution is defined as a document in which the organization of the government, its powers and limitations on the exercise of such powers, together with the relation to individuals are all carefully laid down. It is also referred to as a body of rules or regulations governing the affairs of an organized group.


A constitution may be written or unwritten, rigid or flexible, unitary or federal, depending on the type of government it support, such as presidential, parliamentary, unitary, federal, etc. The constitution is superior to any other law in the country and it provides differences in patterns of governance.

Types of constitutions include:

Written constitution

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