The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Chemistry Lesson Note on Gasification of Coke. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.
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Gasification of gas is the conversion of coke to combustible gases by incomplete oxidation with steam and air at 1000oC. Partial oxidation of coke with air and steam gives producer gas and water gas respectively.
Producer gas: This is a mixture of one-third of carbon(II)oxide and two-thirds nitrogen by volume. It is obtained by heating coke in a furnace in a limited. This is achieved by passing air through red hot coke. During the process, coke is oxidized to carbon (IV) oxide which is subsequently reduced by the hot coke to carbon (II) oxide, a combustible gas. The process can be represented by the following equations.
O2 + 4N2 + 2C → 4N2(s) + 2CO(s) + heat
Uses of producer gas
Water gas
Water gas is produced by passing steam through hot coke at 1000oC. This results in reduction of the steam; carbon (II) oxide and hydrogen are formed. Water gas is mixture containing hydrogen and carbon (II) oxide in equal volume.
C(s) + H2O(l) → CO(s) + H2
Water gas has a high calorific value because both carbon (II) 0xide and hydrogen are combustible, whereas the calorific value of producer gas is low because nitrogen which is one of its constituents is not combustible
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