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SS1 Catering Craft Practices Lesson Note on Personnel in Food and Beverage Service Areas and Functions

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SUB-TOPIC: Personnel in food and beverage service areas and functions (contd)

TRAINEE COMMIS/DEBARRASSEUR/APPRENTICE (LEARNER):- During service he/she will keep the sideboard well filled with equipment and may help fetch and carry items as required. The debarrasseur would carry out certain of the cleaning tasks during the preparation periods. He/she may be given the responsibility of cooking after and serving hors-d’oeuvre, cold sweets or assorted cheese from the appropriate trolleys.

CARVER/TRANCHEUR:- Is responsible for the carving trolley and the carving of joints at the table as required. The carver will plate up each portion with the appropriate accompaniments.

FLOOR SERVICE STAFF/CHEF D’ETAGE/FLOOR WAITER: Are responsible for a complete floor in an organization or depending on the size of the establishment, a number of rooms or suites. Floor service may be limited to early morning teas and breakfasts with the provision of in-room mini bars and tea and coffee facilities. If full floor service is in operation, the staff will consist of a head floor waiter with the appropriate number of floor waiters working for him. This team of staff is then responsible for the for the service of all meals and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) in rooms. Correct knowledge of food and drink and their correct service is very important.

LOUNGE STAF/CHEF DE SALE: Deals with lounge service as a specific duty only in a first class establishment. In smaller hotels, members of the food service staff do these duties. The lounge staff is responsible for the service of morning coffee, afternoon teas, aperitifs andliquors before and after meals. They are responsible for the cleanliness and preparation of the lounge throughout the day.

WINE BUTLER/WINE WAITER/SOMMELIER:- Is responsible for the service of all alcoholic drinks during the service of meals. He must be a sales person. He should have a thorough knowledge of all drinks to be served to of the best wines to go with certain foods, and of the licensing laws in respect of the particular establishment and area.

COCKTAIL BAR STAFF:- Is responsible for and should be well versed in the skills of shaking and stirring cocktails. He should have a thorough knowledge of all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, the ingredients necessary for making cocktails and the licensing laws.

BUFFET ASSISTANT/BUFFET CHEF/CHEF DE BUFFET:- Is in charge of the buffet in the room, it’s presentation, the carving and portioning of food and it’s service. He would normally be a member of the kitchen team.

CASHIER:- Is responsible for billing and taking payments or making ledger account entries for a food and beverage operations.

COUNTER ASSITANTS:- Are found in cafeterias where they would stock the counter and sometimes serve or portion food for customers.

TABLE CLEARERS:- These people are responsible for clearing tables using trolleys especially designed for the stacking of grocery, glassware, cutlery etc. They can be found in seating areas where the service is not waiter service.

Attributes of Food and Beverage service personnel:-

No matter how good the quality of the food, beverage décor and equipment, poorly trained, scruff or unhelpful staff can destroy a customer’s potential satisfaction with the product. It is also true that well trained, smart and helpful staff can sometimes make up for aspects that are lacking elsewhere in the operation. Therefore, food and beverage service personnel are expected to have the following attributes.

  • A professional and hygienic appearances
  • Knowledge of food and beverages and technical ability
  • Punctuality
  • Local knowledge
  • Personality
  • Attitude to customer
  • Memory
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty

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