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SS1 Catering Craft Practices Lesson Note on Factors to Consider in Choosing Food Services Method

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There are five basic types of service. In the first four the customer comes to where the food and beverages are provided e.g. to the restaurant or take away in the fifth one food and drink is taken to where the customer is e.g. guest rooms lounges or to patients in hospital.

These five methods have sub-divisions. The five methods are:

  • Table service
  • Assisted service
  • Self-service
  • Single point service
  • Specialized or in situ-service

A particular service method requires a number of tasks and duties which are undertaken during the actual service of food and beverages. The level of complexity of food and beverage service in terms of staff skills, tasks and duties reduces from Group A-D. Group E requires specialized forms of service.


Type of Service: Group A: Table Service: This is service to customer at a laid table. It is waiter service.

Silver/English Presentation of food to customer by waiting staff from food flats or dishes
Family Main courses plated with vegetables placed in multiplication dishes on tables for customers to help themselves sauces are offered
Plate/American Pre-plated foods are served to the customer
Bulter/French Presentation of food individually to customers by food service staff for customers to help/save themselves
Russian Table laid with food for customers to help themselves
Gueridon Food served on to customer’s plate at side table or trolley. May also include causing, cooking, flambage, preparation of salads and dressing fish filleting.
Bar Service to customer seated at bar counter on stools.
Group B: Assisted Service This is a combination of table service and self-service
Assisted ·                        Some parts of the meal are served to seated customers; other parts are collected by the customers

·                        Buffets where customers select food and drink from displays or passed trays; consumption is either at tables, standing or in the lounge

Group C Self-Service
Cafeteria Counter Customer queuing, passes a service counter choosing their menu/food choice in stages and loading them on to a tray
Free-flow Selection as in counter service but in food service area where customers more at will to random service points. Customer usually exist via a pay point
Echelon Series of countered at angles to the customer flow within a free-flow, thus saving space
Supermarket Island service points within a free-flow area
Group D: Single Point Service Food is consumed on the premises or taken away. Service of customers is at a single point
5. Take away Customer orders and is served from a single point, at counter or snack stand. Customer take it away off the premise
Drive thru: form of take away where customers drives vehicle past order payments and collection points.
Fast food: originally used to describe a service at a counter or hatch where customer receives complete meal or dish in exchange for cash or ticket. Recently, it is used to describe the type of establishment offering limited range of menu, fast service with take away facility.
6. Vending Provision of food and beverage service by means of automatic retailing.

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