Categories: Lesson Notes

SS1 Animal Husbandry Lesson Note on Livestock Management

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Animal Husbandry Lesson Note on Livestock Management. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Livestock Management:

Livestock management refers to the activities carried out by a farmer in his effort to raise farm animals from day old to the point of marketing or disposing the animals. It involves the provision and maintenance of adequate housing, good feeding, sanitation and medical care.

Requirement for Livestock Management:  

In order to successfully managed livestock for maximum benefits the following factors (requirement) have to be made available.

  1. Water
  2. Housing in good location with the necessary equipment
  3. Favorable climatic conditions
  4. Knowledge of the breed of animals to be produced
  5. Knowledge of pests and diseases the affect the proposed animals
  6. The technical expertise about the animals to rear
  7. Nearness to market, good roads, and storage facilities
  8. Finance is available for the operating farmers.

In animal husbandry, management system refers to feeding, housing, health care and other activities geared towards promoting the comfort of the animals for the purpose of maximizing profit. Management systems also refer to different ways of raising and rearing farm animals.

Factors that determine the choice of management practice.

  1. Economic status of the farmer
  2. Climate
  3. Vegetation/feed
  4. Social/religious factors
  5. Type of animal

Management practices include the following

  1. Vaccination.

Vaccines are preparation containing disease-causing agents which have been killed or attenuated (made inactive, which is introduced into the animal system to stimulate the formation of antibodies in order to bring about partial or complete immunity against subsequent infection by the pathogen. Vaccination is the injection or taking in of inactive pathogens (vaccines) which contain antigens that stimulate the formation of antibodies that can fight diseases like Anthrax, Rinderpest, New castle, etc. Vaccination must be done before the disease breakout.

  1. Dehorning: This is the process of removing horns or the removal of the horns.

The advantages are

  • Less space is required for feeding
  • Animals eat more frequently
  • They are more attractive and therefore yield more money
  • They are easy to transport in vehicles

Methods used for dehorning are

  1. Cross-breeding: Using polled breed like Aberden angus produces offspring with no horns.

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