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SS 1 First Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note – Agricultural Laws and Reforms

The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for SS 1 First Term Agricultural Science Lesson NoteAgricultural Laws and Reforms. Check below to download the complete PDF


CONTENTS:   (a)Land Tenure system in Nigeria

(b)The land use decree of 1978 and its implications

(c) Advantages and Disadvantages of the land use decree in Nigeria.


Definition: Land Tenure is defined as the system of land ownership or acquisition by individuals, family, community or government agencies either for temporal or permanent use.

Classification of Land Tenure System

  1. Communal land tenure
  2. Land tenure by inheritance
  3. Land tenure by purchase or freehold
  4. Land tenure by free gift or pledge
  5. Tenant at the will of government
  6. Leasehold land tenure system

Brief explanation of the above is given below:

COMMUNAL LAND TENURE SYSTEM:  This is the whereby land belong to the community. The head of the community decides the basis of sharing out land. Every adult especially male member of the community is allocated a piece of land.


  1. Every adult member of the community can acquire land and each person has full right to the land allocated to him
  2. It is cheap to acquire as no cost is involved


  1. Non-indigenes of the community cannot acquire land or have access to it.
  2. Permanent crops or perennial crops are not allowed on the land because land is allocated for only a farming season.

INDIVIDUAL LAND TENURE: This is a system of ownership where land can be acquired by individual either male or female through inheritance, purchase , free gifts ,lease, tenancy or even pledge


  1. Male and female can acquire any size of land
  2. Permanent crops can be cultivated.


  1. Only the rich may acquire land at certain areas like GRA
  2. Land belonging to an individual may not be used for agricultural activity


This is a system whereby a piece of land can be acquired at the death of a parent. Hence, land can now be transferred from generation to generation.


  1. It is the most readily available tenure system open to farmers


  1. It leads to land fragmentation which does not encourage commercial farming.
  2. Land sharing may lead to bitterness and hatred among family members.

Sub-topic 2


  It is a system whereby a person pays a certain amount of money for the acquisition of a     piece of land


  1. Permanent crops can be cultivated on the land

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