Postgraduate Application Procedures in UI – University of Ibadan

In accordance to the data obtained from University of Ibadan about her postgraduate school, we made this useful, detailed note about the Postgraduate Application Procedures in UI – University of Ibadan. The list is exclusively for all postgraduate courses, meanwhile, you can use the website’s search button to check for other institutions OR the forum section to reach us.


Requests for application forms into higher degree programmes of the University are normally made every year.  The procedure for obtaining Application Forms is available on the school website

Application forms cost N13,000 for academic programmes and N18,000 for professional programmes. Applicants for the degree of Master and Postgraduate Diploma are to pay an extra N3,000:00 for test of proficiency in English Language.


  1. All application forms are to be submitted on-line. Applicants are to approach any Bank with payment advice on the portal. Note that E-channels are available.
  2. Incomplete information from an applicant may delay or halt action on such
  3. A candidate may apply to only one department or programme.
  4. Applicants are to upload their relevant credentials and submit along with their application electronically
  5. Acknowledgement of Application Applicants would be informed electronically (through the e mail addresses provided in the electronically filled Application form) of progress in the processing of their forms.
  6. Letters of Recommendation: The Postgraduate College, University of Ibadan, requires three e-letters of recommendation from faculty members or others well acquainted with the student’s academic work. Please note that the referee forms are part of the on-line application to be completed and submitted electronically.
  7. Transcripts/Certificates Official transcripts of all degrees completed are to be mailed directly to the Deputy Registrar/Admission Officer Postgraduate College. If the Registrar of an applicant’s University will provide an official copy to the School directly, applicants must enclose along with the application an unofficial or student’s copy of the transcript for temporary reference.  To prevent delays, applicants should make adequate arrangements with their Registrars to provide transcripts before the stipulated deadline.


The University of Ibadan does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation or preference1age, religion, national or ethnic origin, or physically challenged in the admission of students to all rights, privileges, programmes and activities generally accorded or made available to students in the administration of its educational policies and scholarship facilities.

Applications are considered on a competitive basis by the Faculty Admissions Committee which evaluates all available information and selects the best qualified applicants from those whose credentials meet the standards for admission. In every case, decisions are reached through a comparison of the academic merits of all applicants applying in the same field. 

A bachelor’s degree in a broad programme of general education is normally prerequisite for admission but is not sufficient in itself. Foreign applicants are expected to have bachelor’s degree with at least a Second-Class Upper Division from Universities recognized by the Senate.  Since the language of instructions in the University of Ibadan is English, proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and understanding English is required for admission. 

Applicants for the degree of Master and Postgraduate Diplomas shall be required to sit for a proficiency test and obtain a mark of at least 40% before their application can be considered.  Academic records are also examined to determine whether the applicant has established a firm basis for graduate work in the proposed field of study. 

Letters of recommendation or Referee’s Reports are given very serious consideration. When an applicant fails to provide required documents, (transcripts, etc) his or her admission chances suffer in relation to those whose credentials are complete.


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