This is a list of all the universities in Oyo State, located in southwestern Nigeria, with Ibadan as the state capital. Oyo State is home to several universities ranging from Federal University to State Universities and Private Universities.

If you are a resident of Oyo State or are looking to study in Oyo State. Below is a list of all the NUC-approved Universities (Federal, State, Private ) you can choose from.

Universities in Oyo State

Federal University

  • University of Ibadan

State Universities

  • Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso
  • Oyo State Technical University Ibadan
  • Emmanuel Alayande University of Education. Oyo, Oyo State

Private Universities

  • Ajayi Crowther University, Ibadan
  • Lead City University, Ibadan
  • Dominican University Ibadan Oyo State
  • Precious Cornerstone University, Oyo
  • Atiba University Oyo
  • Dominion University Ibadan, Oyo State
  • West Midlands Open University, Ibadan, yo State
  • Kola Daisi University Ibadan, Oyo State

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