This is a detailed list of all the universities in Ogun State, located in southwestern Nigeria, with Abeokuta as the state capital. Ogun State is home to several universities ranging from a Federal University to State Universities and Private Universities.

If you are a resident of Ogun State or are looking to study in Ogun State, below is a list of all the NUC-approved Universities (Federal, State, Private ) you can choose from.

Universities in Ogun State

Federal University

  • Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

State universities

  • Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye
  • Tai Solarin University of Education Ijebu Ode
  • Moshood Abiola University of Science and Technology Abeokuta

Private Universities

  • Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo
  • Bells University of Technology, Otta
  • Chrisland University
  • Covenant University Ota
  • Crawford University Igbesa
  • Crescent University
  • Hallmark University, Ijebi Itele, Ogun
  • Mcpherson University, Seriki Sotayo, Ajebo
  • Christopher University Mowe
  • Mountain Top University
  • Southwestern University, Oku Owa
  • Trinity University Ogun State
  • Aletheia University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun State
  • Vision University, Ikogbo, Ogun State
  • Gerar University of Medical Science Imope ljebu, Ogun State
  • Mercy Medical University, Iwo, Ogun State


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