Cross River State boasts several institutions dedicated to training nurses and midwives, crucial for bolstering the healthcare sector. These institutions have undergone significant growth and development in recent years, with a focus on improving the quality of education and training.

Historically, challenges in accreditation and infrastructure affected the state’s nursing and midwifery schools. However, concerted efforts by the government and relevant stakeholders have led to remarkable improvements. Currently, the state houses multiple schools of nursing and midwifery.

Below is a List of Schools of Nursing & Midwifery in Cross River State, if you want to attend a nursing school with Cross River State as a preferred or more convenient location.

Serial No. Name of School Accreditation Date / Status
1 Department of Nursing, University of
Full, November, 2019
2 Department of Nursing, Arthur Javis
University, Calabar
Provisional, September, 2022
3 Department of Nursing Sciences,
Havilla University, Nde-Ikom, Cross
Provisonal, June, 2023
4 School of Nursing, UCTH Full, June, 2018
5 School of Nursing, Itigidi Full, June, 2018
6 School of Nursing, St. Margaret’s Hospital, Calabar Full, December, 2020
7 School of Nursing, Ogoja Full, December, 2020
8 School of Basic Midwifery Calabar Full, June, 2018.
9 School of Basic Midwifery, Obudu Full, December, 2020
10 School of Basic Midwifery, Moniaya-Ogoja Full, January, 2018.
11 School of Psychiatric Nursing,
Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital,
Full, August, 2021

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