List of Postgraduate Courses in UI – University of Ibadan

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates seeking admission to the following Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters and Doctor of Philosophy Degree programmes at the UI, Nigeria as the following are approved List of Postgraduate Courses in UI – University of Ibadan.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Master of Public Health (M.P.H.), Degree of and other Master degree such as M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed, LL.M, These are available in the following Faculties/disciplines:


Arabic and Islamic Studies: (Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Studies);

Archaeology and Anthropology, (Ethnoarchaeology, Theory and Method in Archaeology Pre-Historic, Archaeology of Africa, Archaeology of Tropical Regions Environmental Archaeology, Cultural Resources Management and Museum Science, Culture of Development Studies, Applied Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Media Anthropology).

Classics: Classical Literature, Ancient History, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Science and Religion, Classical Archaeology and History of Africa in Antiquity, Epigraphy: Latin Epigraphy; Greek Epigraphy, Classical Mythology, Gender Issues in the Classical World, Roman law and International Relations and Diplomacy

Communication and Language Arts: Receptive Communication/Language Arts, Expressive Communication/Language Arts, Applied Communication, Book Development and Publishing, Broadcasting and Broadcast Journalism, Print Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Indigenous Communication

English Language: Contrastive Analysis, Varieties of English, English as a Second Language, Socio Linguistics, Stylistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis Phonology/Phonetics of English, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Semantics Literature: Oral Literature, African Literature in English, English Literature, Caribbean Literature, American Literature, Literature Theory and Criticism

History: Linguistics &African Languages; Nigeria Languages, Literatures (Yoruba or Igbo), Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, French Studies, Translation, Comparative Literature, Linguistics (Phonology, Syntax, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics), Yoruba Language, Yoruba Literature

European Studies: French Studies: Translation Studies, French Literature, Caribbean Literature Comparative Literature, Francophone African Literature European Studies: Intra European History and Governance, Contemporary European Culture

Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophical Logic, Ethics Traditional African Philosophy, Philosophy of the Social Science, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Culture.

Religious Studies: African Traditional Religion, Christian Theology, Church History and Doctrine, Comparative Study of Religions, Islamic Studies, Old Testament, New Testament, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Ethics, Sociology of Religion

Theatre Arts: Theatre History, Theatre Theory and Criticism, Arts of the Theatre – Acting, Theatre Directing, Technical Theatre and Theatre Technology; Costume and Make-up Design; Sound Design; Lighting Design; Speech and Rhetorical Arts; Music Arts; Dance and Choreographic Arts, Media Arts/Media Studies (Film/Television, Radio and Folk Arts),Theatre Management and Arts Administration, Tourism Management Theatre for Development/Community Theatre, Educational Drama and Children’s Theatre


Archaeology and Anthropology: Theory and Method in Archaeology, Pre-Historic and Historic Archaeology especially of Africa, Cultural Resources Management and Museum Science, Cultural Development Studies, Applied Anthropology

Botany: Ecology, Ethnobotany, Economic Botany, Biotechnology, Palynology, Lower Green Plants/Environmental Pollution Monitoring, Mycology/Fungal Plant Anatomy, Plant Taxonomy/Biosystematics, Plant Pathology Plant Genetics/Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology & Biochemistry

Microbiology: Food Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Environmental Microbiology, General Microbiology. Pathogenic Microbiology

Chemistry: Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control.

Computer Science: Software Engineering, Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Computer Networking, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Bioinformatics, Language Theory.

Geography Science: Climatology, Geomorphology, Biogeography (Soils and Vegetation), Land Resources Analysis and Planning, Quantitative Techniques, Geographical Information Systems, Hydrology and Water Resources.

Geology: Mineral Exploration (with options in Geophysics, Geochemistry and Economic/Mining Geology), Industrial Mineralogy, Geochemistry/Petrology/Soil Mineralogy, Quaternary Geology/Environmental Geology, Applied Geophysics, Petroleum Geology/Sedimentology, Micropaleontology/ Biostratigraphy, Economic Geology, Petrology/Structural Geology, Micropaleontology/Palynology, Sedimentology/Sequence Stratigraphy, Engineering Geology/ Hydrogeology.

Mathematics: Algebra/Geometry, Functional Analysis, Dynamical Systems and Applications, Numerical Analysis/Financial Mathematics, Operations Research /Probability.

Physics: Meteorology and Physics of Lower Atmosphere, Radiation and Health Physics, Solid Earth Physics, Solid State Physics, Theoretical Physics.

Statistics: Biometry, Computational Statistics, Economic and Financial Statistics Environmental Statistics, Statistical Design of Investigation.

Zoology: Animal Physiology, Cell Biology and Genetics, Cellular Parasitology, Ecology/Environmental Biology, Entomology, Hydrobiology and Fisheries, Parasitology.


Anatomy: Neurobiology, Histology and Histochemistry, Developmental Anatomy Osteology and Myology, Anthropometry, Molecular biology and forensic Anatomy

Biochemistry: Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Membrane Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Molecular Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, Nutritional and Industrial Biochemistry

Chemical Pathology: Immunology, Nutrition and Metabolism, Reproductive endocrinology, Toxicology

Haematology: Haemoglobin, Haemostasis blood Coagulation, Platelet fibrinolysis, Anaemias with emphasis on Nutritional Anaemias, Blood Transfusions Immunohematology Haematological Malignancies, Enzymology especially G6PD

Pharmacology & Therapeutics: Autonomic and central nervous system Chemotherapy, Inflammation and Ethnopharmacology, Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, Neuropharmacology, Autonomic and Cardiovascular System Pharmacology.

Physiology: Applied & Environmental Physiology, Gastrointestinal Physiology & Inflammation,

Endocrine & Metabolism Physiology, Reproduction & Developmental Programming,

Neurosciences& Oral Physiology, Cardio-Respiratory Physiology

Medical Microbiology and Parasitology: Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology

Virology: Diagnostic Virology, Viral Chemotherapy and Oncology, Viral Entomology Molecular Virology, Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Virus infection



Nursing: Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, Medical/Surgical Nursing

Mental Health/ Psychiatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Nursing


Paediatrics: Cardiology, Growth and Development, Endocrinology/Metabolism, Gastroenterology/Nutrition,Genetic/Haematology,Neonatology,Nephrology, Neurology, Oncology, Pulmonology, Paediatrics and International Child Health,

Physiotherapy: Neurological Physiotherapy, Cardio-pulmonary Physiotherapy, Orthopedic Physiotherapy, Sports and Recreational Physiotherapy

Surgery: Surgical Sciences, Bioethics

Community Medicine: Global Health, Health Metrics, Humanitarian Studies, Global Diseases and Tobacco Control, Occupational Health Practice,

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology, Assisted Conceptions, Gynaecological Oncology (Including genetic studies) Fetomaternal Medicine, Urogynaecology.


Opthalmology: Embryology and Anatomy of the human Eye, Ocular Physiology, Subspecialty Ophthalmology, Human genetics, Ocular Microbiology, Immunology, Sterilization and sterile products, Tropical Ocular Infections. Visual Loss in Children, Visual Loss in Adults, Computers in Medicine, Basic statistical procedures, Evaluation of drug action in man, Ocular Pharmacology, The Eye in Systemic Diseases, Health systems development, Nuclear Medicine, Bioethics and biotechnology, Imaging science in Surgery, Lasers and their application in Ophthalmology, Wounds, wound healing and biotechnology of tissue culture

Radiation Oncology


Dentistry: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Conservative Dentistry Child Oral Health, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Community Dentistry, Periodontology


Epidemiology and Medical Statistics: Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Clinical Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Field Epidemiology Practice, Medical Demography.

Environmental Health:

Human Nutrition: Nutrition Biochemistry, Public Health Nutrition/Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy, International Nutrition Food and Nutrition Policy Planning, Food Analysis and Biochemistry

Health Promotion and Education: Population and Reproductive Health Education, Reproductive and Family Health,

Health Policy and Management: Health Services Administration, Health Policy and Management.

Community Medicine: Occupational Health Practice, Occupational Nursing Reproductive and Family Health

Institute of Child Health: Public Health Biotechnology, Social aspects of Child Health Child and Adolescent Health


Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy: Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Physical Pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Antimicrobial Agents, Natural Antimicrobial Products Microbial Genetics, Microbial Drug Resistance and Public Health

Clinical Pharmacy: Pharmacotherapeutics, Drug Interactions, Drug Utilization, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacoepidermiology. Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability studies, Photochemical studies, Natural product chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and drug quality control.

Pharmacognosy: Standardization of molecular authentication of Medicinal plants and Herbal medicines, Biological activities of Nigerian Medicinal Plants, Tissue Culture, Phytochemistry.


Agricultural Economics: Resources Economics, Agricultural Business and Financial Management, Agricultural Policy and Planning, Agricultural Marketing, Production Economics and Farm Management.

Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Agricultural Extension, Rural Sociology, Rural Communication, Home Economics.

Agronomy: Agricultura Mechanization, Crop Production, Horticulture, Soil Chemistry, Soil Science, Soil Physics, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Fertility, Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Soil Microbiology, Plant Nutrition, Crop Physiology, Farming Systems, Weed Science, Plant Breeding, Seed Production, Pasture Agronomy/ Forage Production, Agrometeorology.

Animal Science: Animal Production and Management, Animal Physiology and Bioclimatology, Animal Breeding and Genetics, Animal Products and Processing, Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition.

Crop Protection and Environmental Biology: Crop Protection (Entomology), Crop Protection (Phytopathology), Crop Protection (Vertebrate Pest Management), Crop Protection (Weed Management), Crop Improvement (Plant Genetics), Environmental Biology (Crop Physiology), Environmental Biology (Plant Ecology), Environmental Biology (Ecotoxicology).


Aquaculture and Fisheries Management:

Aquaculture: Water quality, Pollution and Toxicology, Fish Nutrition, Fish Biotechnology and Genetics, Fish Hatchery Management, Aquaculture Engineering, Culture Systems, Fish Post-Harvest Technology and Food Safety, Fish Marketing and Product Development.

Fisheries Management: Fisheries Ecology, Fisheries Economics and Extension, Fisheries Policy, Planning and Development, Gear Technology, Fish Biology, Fish Biodiversity Management, Wetland Fisheries Resources Management, Fisheries Recreation, Oceanography and Deep-Sea Fisheries Management.

Forest Production and Products: Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Management, Forest Genetics and Silviculture, Forest Products Processing and Utilization, Forest Product Chemistry.

Social and Environmental Forestry: Forest Economics and Environmental Forestry, Forest Management, Resource Policy Law and Administration, Forestry Extension and Rural Development, Forest Biometrics, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems.

Wildlife and Ecotourism Management: Wildlife Management: Herpetology, Ornithology, Protected Area Management, Environmental Impact Study, Wildlife Extension Programme, Wildlife Utilization, Wildlife Genetics, Animal Ethology, Wildlife Physiology.

Ecotourism Management: Ecology Management, Tourism Management, Hotel and Catering Management, Transport and Logistics Management (Air and Sea Port Management), Ecotourism Legislation and policy, Ecotourism Extension, Ecotourism Economics, Fisheries Recreation (Sport Fishing and Others), Aqua-Tourism.

Biodiversity Management: Ecosystem Management, Biodiversity Economy, Legislation and Policy Management, Biodiversity Utilization and Management, Biodiversity Extension Programme, Biodiversity Conservation.


Geography: Economic Geography, Population Geography, Theoretical Geography, Quantitative Techniques, Regional Studies.

Political Science: Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Sociology, Public Administration, Political Economy, Political Theory.

Sociology: Social Policy, Social Anthropology, Demographical and Population Studies, Sociology of Industry and Work, Political Sociology, Deviant behaviour and Social Problems, Criminology and Penology, Medical Sociology/Anthropology, Social Stratification and Mobility, Industrial and Labour Relations, Rural Sociology Social Administration, Industrial Sociology, Political Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Development.

Psychology: Experimental Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychometrics, Physiological and Comparative, Forensic Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology Consumer Psychology.


Economics: Economic Theory, Public Sector Economics, Accounting and Finance, Monetary Economic, International Economics, Development Economics, Economic Planning, Petroleum and Energy Economics, Mathematical Economics, Econometrics, Health Economics, Economics of Education, Political Economy, Transportation Economics, Urban and Regional Economics, Economic History.


Banking Finance:

Marketing &Consumer Studies:

Environmental Design and Management

Urban and Regional Planning: Urban and Regional Planning (M.U.R.P), Housing Development and Management, Housing.


Adult Education: History of Adult Education, Comparative Adult Education, Literacy, Philosophy of Adult Education, Psychology of Adult Education, Industrial Education, Organization and Administration of Adult Education, Economics of Adult Education, Principles and Methods of Adult Education, Sociology of Adult Education, Social Welfare, Curriculum Studies in Adult Education, Sociology of Adult Education, Communication Arts, Principles and Methods of Community Development, Literacy, Training and Development (M.L.T.D).

Educational Management: Personnel Administration in Education, Institutional Administration, Educational Systems Administration, Educational Planning and Policy Analysis, Economics of Education, Educational Management Information System (EMIS).

Guidance and Counseling: Educational Psychology and School Counselling, Career Counselling, Adolescent Psychology and Youth Counselling, Assessment and Testing Marriage and Family Life Counselling, Remedial and Reformatory Counselling, Clinical Psychology, STI/HIV/AIDS Counselling, Educational Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Test and Measurement, Developmental Psychology, Personnel Psychology.

Special Education: Speech Pathology and Audiology, Education of the Visual handicapped, Education of Gifted and Talented Children, Learning Disabilities, Education of the Deaf, Mental Retardation.

Library, Archival & Information Studies: Library, Archival & Information Studies: Advanced Classification, Bibliographic & Reference Services, Bibliometrics, Education for Librarianship, Library Systems Administration, Audio Visual Media and Information Technology, Library Services to Specialized Group, Records & Archives Management.

Publishing and Copyright Studies: Editorial Procedures, Textbook and Instructional Material Publishing, Design Production, Publication Marketing, Corporate and Industrial Publishing, Magazine, Copyright/Intellectual Property, Electronic Publishing, Scholarly Publishing Children’s Book Publishing, Publishing Management

Social work: Industrial Social Welfare, Social Welfare, Health Social Work, Community Development.

Human Kinetics & Health Education: Organization and Administration of Human Kinetics, Education and Sports, Recreation and Leisure Management, Biomechanics, Motor Learning Exercise Physiology, Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation in Health Education, Health and Safety Education, Sociology and Psychology of Sports, School and Community Health Education.

Arts and Social Sciences Education: Curriculum Studies and Instruction, Social Studies Education, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Economics.

Early Childhood and Educational Foundation: Early Childhood Education, Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education, Comparative Education, History and Policy of Education.

Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: Mathematics Education, Educational Technology, Science Education (Biology, Physics & Chemistry).

Centre for Educational Media Resources Studies: Research in Media Resources, Media in Education, Media Services to Special Group, ICT in School Media programme, Children/Youth Library Services, School Media specialist in Curriculum Planning and Implementation Bibliotherapy in Children and Youths rehabilitation.


Veterinary Anatomy: Skin Biology, Reproductive and Endocrine Biology, Neurobiology Lymphology, Immunobiology.

Veterinary Theriogenology: Veterinary Obstetrics and Gyneacology, Andrology and Artificial insemination, Small Animal Theriogenology, Large Animal Theriogenology, Wildlife and Aquatic Theriogenology, Avian Theriogenology, Assisted reproductive Theriogenology,

Veterinary Medicine: Avian Medicine, Companion Animal Medicine, Food Animal Medicine Fish and Aquatic Medicine.

Veterinary Surgery and Radiology: Anaesthesia, Emergency and Critical care, Orthopaedics, Diagnostic Imaging, Small Animal Surgery, Farm Animal Surgery, Equine Surgery.

Veterinary Pathology: Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Poultry Pathology.

Veterinary Microbiology: Microbial Chemistry, Microbial Genetics, Mycology, Advanced Virology, Advanced Bacteriology, Advanced Bacteriology B, Immunology, Biostatistics, Environmental Microbiology.

Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology: Veterinary Parasitology, Helminthology, Protozoology, Entomology, Acarology.

Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine:

Preventive Veterinary Medicine(M.P.V.M): Advanced Epizootiology, Veterinary Biometrics, Veterinary Extension, Veterinary Technical Writing and Reporting, Veterinary Econometrics, Design and Implementation of the Herd Health Schemes, Applied Veterinary Immunology, Veterinary Project Identification and Appraisal, Advances in Veterinary Extension, Technical Report Writing, Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Diseases in Animal Population, Veterinary Business Organization and Administration, Advanced Epizootiology, Disease Surveillance and Emergency Preparedness, Advances in Vaccine Production and Vaccinations, Veterinary Biometrics, Advances in Veterinary Jurisprudence, Laboratory Diagnostic Methods.

Veterinary Public Health (M.V.P.H): Advanced Meat and milk hygiene, Veterinary Biometics, Advanced Epizootiology, Applied Veterinary Immunology, Technical Report Writing, Fish and Shellfish Hygiene, Advances in Veterinary Jurisprudence, Laboratory Diagnostic Methods, Control of Major and Emerging Zoonoses, Veterinary Environmental Health, Advances in Veterinary Extension, Abattoir Design and Management, Animal By-Products and Hazard. Master of Science-Epizootiology: Advanced Epizootiology, Applied Vet. Immunology, Technical Report Writing, Disease Surveillance and Emergency Preparedness, Veterinary Biometrics, Capture Methods and Disease Control, Laboratory Diagnostic Methods, Animal byproducts and HACCP.

Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology: Chemotherapy, Neuropharmacology, Toxicology, Smooth Muscle Pharmacology, Ethno-pharmacology.

Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry:

Veterinary Physiology: Advanced Cardiology and Cardiovascular Physiology, Advanced Comparative Haematology, Gastrointestinal Physiology, Reproductive Physiology, Renal and Respiration Physiology, Environmental Physiology, Neurophysiology

Veterinary Biochemistry: Oncology and Molecular Biology, Nutritional Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Drug Metabolism and Toxicology.


Agricultural and Environmental Engineering: Crop Processing and Storage, Environmental Engineering, Farm Power and Machinery, Farm Structures and Environment, Soil and water Conservation.

Wood Products Engineering: Pulp and Paper Technology, Wood Composite, Furniture Production & Ergonomic Studies, Wood Energy and Environmental Studies, Wood Processing and Machinery, Sawmilling and System Modeling, Wood Quality, preservation & utilization – wood structure and design, Wood chemistry and drying, Wood-based product development and quality control.

Food Technology: Food Microbiology, Food Processing and Preservation Food Chemistry, Food Quality Control.

Industrial &Production Engineering: Engineering Management, Production and Manufacturing Engineering, Operations Research, Ergonomics/Human Factors Engineering, Systems Engineering.

Petroleum Engineering: Drilling Engineering, Production Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Natural Gas Engineering

Civil Engineering: Structural Material Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Foundation and Geo-Technical Engineering, Public Health and Environmental Engineering.

Biomedical Engineering:

Mechanical Engineering: Thermo-fluids, Solid Mechanics, Production Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Material Technology.

Electrical/Electronic Engineering: Instrumentation and Control, Electrical Power Systems, Telecommunication.

  • Those whose first degrees are NOT in Agricultural Engineering will be required to spend an additional two semesters on the programme.


  • Those whose first engineering degrees are NOT in Industrial Engineering will be required to spend an additional semester on the programme.
  • Candidates whose first degrees are NOT in Petroleum Engineering will be required to spend an additional two semesters on the programme.


Master of Law (LL.M)

The postgraduate degrees available in the faculty of Law are as follows:

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and LL.M. The LL.M Degree Programme is conducted on an interdepartmental basis.


Anthropology; African History; African Law; African Music; African Visual Arts/Art History; Gender Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Traditional African Medicine and Belief Systems, Cultural and Media Studies- (a) Performance Studies (b) Literary Studies (c) Translation and Creative,


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Master of Humanitarian and Refugee Studies (M.H.R.S.), Peace and Conflict Studies (M.A.),Master of Science (MSS) Degree in Strategic Studies, Professional Master (MPBD) Degree in Peace Building and Development, Professional Master (CPM) in Cultural Production an Management, Master In Disaster Risk Management (DRM).


Educational Evaluation (Construction and Validation of Measurement Instrument; Evaluation of Educational Achievement; Public Examinations, Programme Evaluation; Curriculum Evaluation and Psychological Testing) In-Service Curriculum Development and Educational Evaluation

Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH): Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil).


Professional Master (M.Sc in Entrepreneurship Studies) Academic Master (M.Sc in Entrepreneurship Education) Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D) Entrepreneurship Education, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil).


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D),Tourism Development, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), M.Sc in Tourism Development ,Cultural Tourism, Ecotourism, Climate of Society, Sustainable Development Practice.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), M.Sc in (Energy Studies) Energy and Environment, Energy Economics, Energy Finance, Energy Policy, Oil and Gas Economics, Economics of the Power Industry, Renewable Energy, Electricity Economics


Development and Evaluation of Information Systems; Information Technologies; Development Information Systems; Information Policy and Ethics; Information Resources Management; Information Products and Services; Informetrics; Information Economy and Society; Scholarly Communication in Science and Technology; Education for Information Science


Master in Business Administration (MBA) – Executive, Master in Business Administration (MBA), Agribusiness, Telecommunications, Marketing, Personnel, Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Operations Management.


(a) Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

The degree programme is available in the College of Medicine only on part-time basis.

(i) Candidates for admission to the degree of M.D. examination must have obtained the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Bachelor of Dental Surgery of any University recognized by the Nigerian University Commission and is eligible for full registration with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.

(ii) In every case, to be eligible to register for Doctor of Medicine (MD), a candidate should have a minimum of three (3) years post medical/dental professional qualification (M.B.B.S/BDS/MBChB) experience which shall include at least one year of professional experience in the specialty area of the intended study.



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