Are you an aspirant aiming to fill in a course but ain’t sure of it’s availability? Ooh!! We present the most recent and updated list of courses offer in Osisa Technical College of Education Enugu””this is put together based on what the school made available and perhaps, from enquires from the staylite.

However, in case you want to know about there Admission Requirements, use the website search button and type “admission requirements to Osisa Technical College of Education Enugu “and have it in less than two minutes. WE WISH YOU WELL.

Accredited Courses in Osisa Technical College of Education Enugu                       


  1. Accountancy
  2. Business Administration and Management
  3. Computer Science
  4. Electrical / Electronic Engineering
  5. Food Technology
  6. Insurance
  7. Office Technology And Management
  8. Public Administration
  9. Science Laboratory Technology



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