Unity College of Education, Aukpa Adoka, is a teacher training institution located in Benue State, Nigeria. It offers programs aimed at equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective educators. Unity College of Education is the first Private College of Education in  Benue to get NCCE approval and accreditation.

We have been able to provide you with the courses offered in Unity College of Education. For interested candidates, below is a list of courses in Unity College of Education as of 2024.

Name of Courses

  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Agricultural Science
  • Biology / Chemistry
  • Biology / Geography
  • Business Education
  • Chemistry / Mathematics
  • Chemistry / Physics
  • Christian Religious Studies / Economics
  • Christian Religious Studies / English
  • Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
  • Computer Education / English
  • Computer Education / Geography
  • Computer Education / Physics
  • Computer Education / Biology
  • Computer Education / Chemistry
  • Computer Education / Economics
  • Computer Science Education / Mathematics
  • Economics / English
  • Economics / Geography
  • Economics / Mathematics
  • Economics / Political Science
  • Economics / Social Studies
  • English / Geography
  • English / Political Science
  • English / Social Studies
  • Geography / Social Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics / Physics
  • Political Science / Social Studies
  • Computer Science / Biology
  • Computer Science / Economics

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