Sunnah College of Education is located in Kofar Wambai, Bauchi State, Nigeria. It was established in 2012 by the Jama’atu Izalatil Bid’a Wa’iqamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS) Islamic organization. The college offers the National Certificate in Education (NCE) program with a focus on Islamic and Arabic studies, alongside other traditional subjects

The decision of the JIBWIS to run NCE programme by establishing the college was informed by the new policy on Education in Nigeria which made the N.C.E to be the minimum teaching qualification. In accordance with the extent rules, the College approached the National Commissions for Colleges of Education (NCCE) Abuja for the interim and full accreditation of the College. In 2013, the NCCE visited College for resource inspection and subsequently the College gained full accreditation in 2015.

We have been able to provide you with the courses offered in Sunnah College of Education. For interested candidates, below is a list of courses in Sunnah College of Education as of 2024.

Name of Courses

  • Arabic / English
  • Arabic / Islamic Studies
  • Arabic / Social Studies
  • Computer Science Education / Integrated Science
  • Computer Science Education / Mathematics
  • English / Hausa
  • English / Islamic Studies
  • English / Social Studies
  • Hausa / Islamic Studies
  • Hausa / Social Studies
  • Integrated Science / Mathematics Education
  • Islamic Studies / Social Studies
  • Computer Education / Integrated Science
  • Social Studies (Double Major)
  • Primary Education ( Double Major)

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