Sinai College of Education and Entrepreneurial Studies (SCEES) is located in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. It offers both NCE and Diploma programmes. The college focuses not only on teacher training but also incorporates entrepreneurial studies into its curriculum, equipping students with both pedagogical and business skills. Sinai College of Education and Entrepreneurial Studies aims to produce well-rounded graduates who can excel in both teaching and entrepreneurial endeavours.

We have been able to provide you with the courses offered in Sinai College of Education and Entrepreneurial Studies. For interested candidates, below is a list of courses in Sinai College of Education and Entrepreneurial Studies (SCEES) as of 2024.

Name of Courses

  • Christian Religious Studies / Economics
  • Christian Religious Studies / History
  • Christian Religious Studies / Political Science
  • Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
  • Early Childhood Care Education
  • Economics / Social Studies
  • History / Social Studies
  • Political Science / Social Studies
  • Social Studies (Double Major)
  • Primary Education ( Double Major)


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