Marist Polytechnic is a renowned private polytechnic located in Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria. The polytechnic is managed by the Marist Brothers of the Schools. Marist Brothers of Nigeria, is an International Religious Missionary Congregation/Institute of men in the Catholic Church. Saint Marcellin Champagnat, a French priest of the Society of Mary (SM) or Marist Fathers, founded the congregation on 2nd January, 1817.

Marist Polytechnic was formally approved by the Federal Ministry of Education on the 14th July 2016. It was given the license by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to operate as a private Polytechnic having satisfied the entire requirements for the establishment of private polytechnics.

For interested candidates, we have provided a detailed list of Courses in Marist Polytechnic for you.

Below you will find a list of courses offered by Marist Polytechnic as of 2024, so do well to check appropriately for your desired course of study.


Name of Courses

  • Business Administration & Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical / Electronics Engineering Technology
  • Science Laboratory Technology
  • Statistics

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