Gboko College of Education (GCOE) is a private tertiary institution located in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. It offers the National Certificate in Education (NCE) program, aiming to produce qualified teachers for the nation’s educational sector. The college is dedicated to providing quality teacher education and preparing its students for successful careers in teaching.

We have been able to provide you with the courses offered in Gboko College of Education. For interested candidates, below is a list of courses in Gboko College of Education (GCOE) as of 2024.

Name of Courses

  • Christian Religious Studies / English
  • Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
  • Computer Science Education / Integrated Science
  • Computer Science Education / Mathematics
  • English / Social Studies
  • English / Tiv
  • Integrated Science / Mathematics Education
  • Primary Education Studies
  • Computer Education / Integrated Science
  • Computer Education / Mathematics
  • Primary Education ( Double Major)


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