This is a List of Colleges of Education in Nasarawa State, a state in the North Central region of Nigeria. The state capital is Lafia, and of the 36 states of Nigeria, Nasarawa is the fifteenth largest in area and second least populous with an estimated population of about 2.5 million as of 2016. The State has a climate typical of the tropical zone because of its location and is quite pleasant.

Nasarawa houses  a number of private Colleges of Education which is listed below.

Colleges of Education in Nasarawa State


Private Colleges of Education

  • Hill College of Education, Gwanje, Akwanga

Located in Akwanga, Nasarawa.

  • Innovative College of Education, Karu

Located in Karu, Nasarawa.

  • Ipere College of Education, Agyaragu

Located in Agyaragu Nasarawa State.

  • JIBWIS College of Education, Keffi

Located in Keffi, Nasarawa State.

  • Metro College of Education, Adogi-Lafia

Located in Adogi-Lafia, Nasarawa State

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