This is a List of  Colleges of Education in Kwara State, a state in Western Nigeria, Ilorin is the state capital. Economically, Kwara state is largely based on agriculture, mainly coffee, cotton, groundnut, cocoa, oil palm, and kola nut crops. Its western border makes up part of the international border with Benin Republic.

Kwara state is also home to a number of Colleges of Education which is listed below

Colleges of Education in Kwara State


State Colleges of Education

  • Kinsey College of Education, Ilorin, Kwara State

Located in Ilorin, Kwara State.

  • Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin

Located in Ilorin, Kwara State.

  • Kwara State College of Education, Oro

Located in Oro, Kwara State.

  • Kwara State College of Education (Technical), Lafiagi

Located in Lafiagi, Kwara State.


Private Colleges of Education

  • Adesina College of Education, Share, Kwara State

Located in Share, Kwara state

  • College of Education, Ilemona

Located in Offa, Kwara State.

  • ECWA College of Education, Igbaja

Located in Igbaja, Kwara State

  • Gand-Plus College of Education

Located in Ilorin, Kwara State.

  • Imam Hamzat College of Education, Ilorin

Located in Ilorin, Kwara State.

  • Moje College of Education, Erin-Ile

Located in Oyun LGA, Kwara State

  • Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin

Located in Ilorin, Kwara, State.

  • PAN African College of Education, Offa

Located in Offa, Kwara State.



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