This is a List of Colleges of Education in Edo State, a state in the South-South geopolitical zone of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As of 2022, the state was ranked as the 22nd most populous state in Nigeria. The estimated state population will be around 4,777,000 in 2022. Edo State is the 22nd largest State by landmass in Nigeria. The modern borders of Edo State encompass regions that were formerly the site of various empires and kingdoms of the second dynasty formed in the 11th century AD, the Benin Empire. Benin is the State Capital.

Edo State houses some colleges of education from Federal to State and Private. Below is a the list of Colleges of Education found in Edo State.

Colleges of Education in Edo State


Federal College of Education

  • Federal College of Education, Edo

Located in Ekiadolo, Ovia North East LGA, Edo State


State College of Education

  • College of Education, Ekiadolor-Benin

Located in Ekiadolor-Benin, Edo State

  • Edo State College of Education, Igueben

Located in Igueben, Edo State


Private College of Education

  • Nosakhare College of Education, Benin City

Located in Benin City, Edo State

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