This is a List of Colleges of Education in Delta State, a state in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Named after the Niger Delta. The state capital is Asaba, with the state based around the production of crude oil and natural gas. Delta State was formed from the former Bendel State, on 27 August 1991.

Delta state is home to so many higher learning institutions including four colleges of education. Below are the colleges of education and their location.

Colleges of Education in Delta State

Federal College of Education

  • Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba

Located in Asaba, Delta State


State Colleges of Education

  • Delta State College of Education, Agbor

Located in Agbor, Delta State

  • Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar

Located in Mosogar, Sapele, Delta State


Private College of Education 

  • Michael & Cecilia Foundation College of Education, Agbarha-Otor, Delta

Located in Ughelli, Delta State


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