The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the Lesson Note on the Risk Factors in Water and Fish Farming For JSS2. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.
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Risk factors in water and fish farming
These have to do with factors that are capable of causing water pollution and danger to fish and other aquatic organisms. Some of the risk factors in water and fish farming include:
When residues of these chemicals used by farmers in farming activities are washed by rain water into a nearby river, stream, pond etc. that body of water will be contaminated and the lives of the fish in such water body will be at risk.
Accidental or deliberate discharge of petroleum oil into water bodies can be a major risk factor in the marine ecosystem
Industrial effluents discharged from food processing plants, paper mills, breweries, tanneries, etc. into small and large water bodies can pollute the fish environment and have a negative impact on the aquatic ecosystems.
Wastewater resulting from domestic sewage (human faeces and urine, small washing, food processing or preparation and cleaning of utensils) that are in most cases channeled into water bodies can cause depletion of oxygen
Fishing tools
The fishermen used different types of fishing in Nigeria. The most common ones among others are:
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