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Lesson Note on the Range Land Management For SS1

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  1. Meaning and Importance of Range land/Pasture
  2. Characteristics of Range Land
  3. Common Grasses of Livestock in Range Land
  4. Factors Affecting the Level of Production of Herbage
  5. Methods of Range Land and Pasture Improvement

Sub-topic 1:

Meaning and Importance of Range land/Pasture:

The term Range Land is used to describe a predominantly herbaceous plants community. It affords extensive grazing pasture for animals like cattle, sheep and goats.

Definition: Range Land can be defined as an extensive area of land covered by grasses, legumes with some tree, shrubs and herbs where animals (ruminants) can graze or browse freely.

Range land is any extensive area of land that is occupied by native herbaceous or shrub vegetation which is grazed by animals.

It is an expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on.

Natural Pasture is also referred to as natural grass land or range land.

Artificial Pasture: This is also referred to as established or sown pasture. In this pasture, grasses and legumes are deliberately planted and managed by man to be fed on by livestock.

Improved Pasture: Natural pasture or range land can be improved by the addition of some farming activities such as irrigation, reseeding, fertilizer application, weeding etc. so as to make it better and functional for livestock that feed on them.


  1. Range land is a source of food for livestock especially ruminants
  2. They provide cheap quality feed for animals since most of the pasture grows naturally
  3. Free range allows exercises for the animal body aiding good muscles development
  4. Animals have access to varieties and high-quality forage, ensuring balanced feed for animals
  5. Range land reduces run-off and soil erosion by increasing infiltration and percolation of water
  6. Grasses and legumes in the range land can be cut and preserved as hay or silage for future use
  7. Most forages are medicinal and are used in the manufacture of drugs and chemicals.
  8. Dry grasses and straws are good source of bedding materials in animal husbandry.they can also be used as roofing materials for building and fence.


1. Define Range Land.

2. Mention five importance of range land to the livestock.



  1. They have high quality of grasses, legumes and herbage are contained in a good range land.
  2. The grasses, legumes and herbage have high regenerative ability after being fed by animals.
  3. It withstands trampling by animals.
  4. It contains no planted or sown species of plant but naturally grown species.
  5. They contain wide varieties of grasses, legumes, herbs, browse plant.
  6. New growth is stimulated by burning.
  7. It is unstable and naturally changing grass land.

Common Grasses Of Livestock In Range Land:

Common Name       Botannical Name                                                                                     

Bahama grass                  (Cynodon dactydon)
Elephant grass                (Pennisetum purepureum)
Carpet grass                     (Axonopus compressus)
Giant star grass              (Cynodon plactostachyus)
Guinea grass                    (Panicum maximum)
Northern gamba               (Andropogon gayanus)
Southern gamba grass     (Andropogon tectorum)
Spear grass                     (Imperata cylindrical.)

Common Name Botanical Name

Centro                 (Centrosema pubescens)
Calopo                 (Calopogonium mucunoides)
Mucuna               (Mucuna utilis)
Tropical kudzu     (Pueraria phaseoloides)
Stylo                    (Stylosanthes gracilis)
Sun hemp            (Crotolaria juncea)

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