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JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note on Negative Behaviour

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note on Negative Behaviour. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Behaviour is the ways in which someone behaves. That is the things a person does. It can be positive or negative. NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR is anti-social behaviour. That is the behavior which is not acceptable by society and that can cause harm to the well being and the image of the society.

A nation in which majority of its citizens engage in negative acts brings bad name, poor image and disrespect to the country. Students who engage in negative behaviour will have poor social standing.

Types of Negative Behaviour:

    • Excess love for money.
    • Ostentatious living.
    • Disregard for time.
    • Drug trafficking.
    • Examination malpractice.
  1. Dishonesty: A dishonest person is a person with questionable character. Dishonesty is evil and the root cause of many social vices and conflicts in the society.
  2. Excess love for money: It means extreme attachment to money. It is the root of all evil. It is harmful to individual and its immediate community.
  3. Ostentatious living: It is the outward and arrogant display of one’s material things, achievement and successes.
  4. Disregard for time: This means not having respect or regard for time or punctuality, lateness to school and other social function should not be our habit.
  5. Drug trafficking: This is the bad habit of trading on hard and dangerous drugs from within and across borders. Drug trafficking is harmful to the individual and the society.
  6. Examination malpractice: This involves cheating in examination, buying question papers, copying from other students, stealing other candidates answer sheets, using money to bribe examination officials, impersonation and the use of violence in the examination to put fear into the supervisors and invigilators.
  7. Cultism: It involves the act of belonging to organization that operates under secret cover at night. Members take oath and use dangerous weapons which can result in death of cult members.

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