The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for JSS2 Third Term Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Lesson Note – The Death and Burial of Jesus. Check below to download the complete DOCUMENT
The soldiers took Jesus away and put a purple cloth on him. They tortured him by putting a crown of thorns on his head. They mocked him by saluting him: “Hail King of the Jews”. They beat him and spat upon him. After maltreating him, they took away the purple cloth and led him away to be crucified. On the way, they met Simon of Cyrene and forced him to help Jesus carry the heavy cross. Simon helped him, till they came to Golgotha (the place of scull), the place of crucifixion.
At Golgotha, the soldiers gave Je sus wine mixed with gall (a concoction) to drink. But when he tested it, he did not like it, so he refused to drink it. The concoction was meant to reduce the pain that he might suffer after he had been nailed to the cross.
The soldiers crucified Jesus by laying him on the cross and hammering nails into his hands and feet. Jesus suffered as the nails pierced his flesh. They then shared his cover cloth among them by casting lot. Then on the top of the cross they put the charge for which Jesus was crucified: “This is Jesus the King of the Jews.”
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