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JSS2 Computer Studies Lesson Note on Responsible Use of the Computer

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Computer Studies Lesson Note on Responsible Use of the Computer. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Meaning of Computer Ethics
  2. Responsible use of the computer
  3. Areas of misuse of computers


The rate of advancement in technology has continued to have greater impact and influence in every areas of human endeavour which poses a great threat to security of information, intellectual Property right, privacy concerns, artificial intelligence, human communication, and the society, creating a drastic fall in ethical standards which is a bone of contention. Hence, the need to address these using ethical standards cannot be over-emphasized.


Computer Ethics: This refers to the set of moral principles that governs and regulate the behaviours of a group or individual on the acceptable use of computer.

Responsible Use of Computers

This refers to the proper etiquettes and attitudinal posture to display while handling or using a computer system to ensure maximum performance, confidentiality and respect for other people’s right. Hence, the following under listed rules must be adhered to and maintained;

  1. Avoid dropping food or liquids on the system.
  2. Avoid accessing restricted files on another person’s system
  3. Refrain from displaying or using offensive pictures as desktop background.
  4. Avoid cramming and typing of other people’s password and username instead look away.
  5. Cover the computer and all peripherals with dust covers when not in use.
  6. The system should be protected from power surges by using either a voltage stabilizer or a surge protector.
  7. In places where power outages are common, the system should be connected to an uninterruptible power supply unit (UPS) to protect the system from shutting down abruptly and avoid damage to the computer’s memory.
  8. The system should be unplugged from the power source when it is not going to be used for a long time.

Responsible use of the Internet

  1. Check your e-mail regularly.
  2. Answer mail promptly and politely
  3. The subject of e-mails should be short, meaningful and truthful.
  4. Write or type thoughtfully because the internet is a public medium and content of any e-mail may end up in unexpected places.
  5. Check your spellings against errors of omission and commission.
  6. Avoid visiting website with polluted content; a lot of innocent looking sites contain pornographic and other offensive materials.
  7. Do not open file attachments from unknown sources, they can contain Viruses.
  8. Take caution in giving your personal information or details to anyone you meet on the internet.

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