Categories: Lesson Notes

JSS2 Business Studies Lesson Note on Guidelines In Handling Chemicals

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Business Studies Lesson Note on Guidelines In Handling Chemicals. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Do not work alone in the laboratory. If you must work alone, notify someone.
  2. Use required personal protective equipment.
  3. Label all containers with chemical content.
  4. Keep hand and face clean. Wash hands and face thoroughly with soap and water after leaving the laboratory.
  5. Avoid direct contact with any chemical. Always wear a laboratory coat.
  6. Always use chemicals with adequate ventilation.
  7. Use hazardous chemical only as directed and for intended purposes.
  8. Inspect equipment or apparatus for damage before adding a hazardous chemical.
  9. Minimize exposure to chemicals.


  1. Planning and maintenance of storage areas is necessary to avoid material losses, accidents and disasters.
  2. Good warehousing facilities for the chemical.
  3. Suitable location of products/chemicals
  4. Written instruction on storage practices should be provided.
  5. Special attention should be paid to incompatible substances.
  6. Chemicals’ Material Safety Data Sheets (CMSDS) should be available in the store.
  7. Different classes of chemicals should be illustrated in a storage map.
  8. Chemical Register should be available which should contain a maximum quantity of all chemical products and the maximum allowed quantity per class of chemical product.
  9. All chemicals should be received in central location for proper monitoring and control.
  10. An inventory of chemical information store should be kept.
  11. Stored chemicals should be periodically examined.
  12. Expired chemicals and leaking containers should be disposed safely.
  13. Storage place should be well ventilated and free from dampness.


Chemicals have become a part of our lives, sustaining many of our activities, preventing and controlling many diseases and increasing agricultural productivity.

However, improper handling of the chemicals may, especially endanger our health and poison our environment.

If it enters human body through inhalation or absorption, it can cause terrible damage to the body system. There could be acute/immediate or chronic effect in the body.

Below are some of the effects of wrong handling of chemicals.

  1. Pneumoconiosis: This is the disease of the lung caused by consistent inhalation of industrial/chemical dust, fumes or gases.
  2. Damage of the nervous system.
  3. Petroleum based chemical causes accelerated ageing of the brain, blood brain barrier.
  4. Alters critical hormone necessary for teenage neurological and behavior development.
  5. Cancer of the lungs both in adult and children.

Click on the Downloadable Button to get the FULL NOTE


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