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JSS2 Basic Technology Lesson Note on Uses of Materials – Ceramics; Rubber and Plastics

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Basic Technology Lesson Note on Uses of Materials – Ceramics; Rubber and Plastics. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Ceramic is a material made of clay and cement that has been made permanently hard by heat

Properties of ceramics

  1. Heat-resistant (they do not allow heat to pass through easily)
  2. Brittle (they break easily)
  3. Heavy
  4. Resistant to corrosion ( they do not rust)
  5. They can be decorated in a wide range of colours, textures and design

Uses of ceramics

Bricks and Tiles

Fried bricks are used in modern construction work. They have an added advantage over cement bricks in that if properly laid, there is no need to paint them. Glazed tiles are very common in the house e.g. floor tiles, wall tiles and sanitary tiles

Refractory and insulation

Specially fried bricks are used for the inner lining of furnaces used for melting. This is as a result of their high fire resistant ability and their insulating property.

Household utensils

Ceramics are used in the production of chinaware, earthenware, stone ware and porcelain. All these are molded into beautiful decorated jugs, plates and ashtrays for domestic use.

Ceramics for Electrical Purposes

These consist of high voltage materials such as those used as insulators on pylons, and low voltage materials for small electric components as in capacitors and magnets. They are also used in manufacture of sparking plugs used in motor vehicles.

Sub- topic IV: Rubber

Rubber is a material which can be compressed or stretched. You must have observed that a compressed or stretched piece or strip of rubber returns to its original size when you remove the applied force on it. The main reason for this is that rubber is more elastic than other engineering materials.

There are two types of rubber, namely natural rubber and synthetic rubber. In Nigeria, natural rubber is made from the milky white liquid of rubber trees called latex. Synthetic rubber is made from petroleum. Synthetic rubber is also known as elastomer.

Properties of Rubber

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