Categories: Lesson Notes

JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Benefits of Cooperation

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Benefits of Cooperation. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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CONTENT: 1. Benefits of co-operation


Cooperation has advantages to the individual and groups. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Encouraging people to live together in harmony.
  2. Co-operation may lead to the development of the society. The number and quality of social amenities such as roads, bridges, schools, hospitals etc will increase.  More industries will be built and more jobs will be created.
  3. Peace reigns in the society where there is co-operation. Divisiveness and rancor will not be seen.  People are tolerant of one another.
  4. There will also be joy and happiness. When a task is accomplished, the people are happy.  When a given task or goal is achieved, there will be joy in the camp of the participants.
  5. Co-operation leads to team work. People often say, United we stand divided we fall.  It leads to togetherness and unity of purpose.
  6. Co-operation will lead to the achievement of set goals. This is because all members of the society or group will work for the attainment of such goals.

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