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JSS1 Basic Science Lesson Note on Classification of Drug and Drug Abuse

The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS1 Basic Science Lesson Note on Classification of Drug and Drug Abuse. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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There are five classes of drugs that people mostly abuse

  1. Narcotics g Opium
  2. Sedatives and Hypnotics e .g Barbiturates
  3. Tranquilizers g Valium
  4. Hallucinogens g LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) and Marijuana.
  5. Stimulants e .g Amphetamine, Cocaine,

What is Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse is the taking of medically prescribed drugs inappropriately or taking of drug without the Doctor’s prescription.

How drugs can be abused.

  1. Taking the prescribed drugs for a purpose other than that which it was intended
  2. Taking a dosage other than the recommended.
  3. Taking drugs to induce sleep without prescription from a qualified medical doctor
  4. Taking drugs to gain confidence or boldness
  5. Taking drugs to attain full sexual satisfaction without prescription.
  6. Sharing a prescribed drug with other people
  7. Taking drugs that are not prescribed by Doctors.
  8. Taking of Expired drugs ignorantly.

Misuse of drugs

  1. Some athletics use drugs in form of stimulants
  2. It is also used as a muscle builder.
  3. It is also used to enhance one’s performance in competition.

Other substances abused include:

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