When it comes to creating a lesson plan for your class, you have a few options. You can use a blank template or you can create a customizable one. Some options include: Common Curriculum, Erin Condren, Scholastic, or Maalbok. Regardless of which one you choose, be sure to use a format that suits your teaching style.

Common Curriculum

The Common Curriculum teacher lesson plan format is a great tool to use for preparing lessons and planning with students. It has been designed by former teachers to make lesson planning easy and to help teachers meet the standards set by their district. This format is free and you can customize it to meet your specific needs. The basic plan allows you to post lessons directly to Google Classroom. You can also upgrade to the Pro plan for features such as unit planning and collaboration with up to five other teachers.

When creating a lesson plan, keep in mind your student population. Some students have special needs that require accommodations and modifications to the curriculum. Others are gifted and will need extended time to fully grasp a concept.

Erin Condren

There are several options when it comes to teacher planners. Using a planner that’s designed for teachers is a great way to organize all of your daily plans in one convenient location. One popular choice is the Erin Condren Teacher Lesson Planner. This planner contains a number of useful features including checklists and graph pages. Plus, it separates each day into different subject areas.

When creating a lesson plan, you should identify what information you will teach and what material you will review. You should also consider your students’ needs and include resources that will make your lesson a success. Using technology to supplement lessons is also a great idea. There are many educational websites and apps out there that can help teachers engage students in their learning process.


Teachers have a number of ways to make their lesson plans more effective. Among them, they can use a lesson plan format that will help them create engaging activities for their students. Depending on the subject, teachers can use one of many options, including the lesson plan format provided by Scholastic. These include the use of multimedia, reproducibles, and interactive games.

Using a lesson plan format that will help you keep track of your plans is a good way to get organized. This is because teacher planners have many features and can be customized to suit your preferences. They also feature convenient features like a class roster that allows you to easily schedule activities.


For teachers who love to stay organized and on top of their teaching schedule, the Maalbok teacher planner is the perfect solution. This planner features monthly and weekly lesson planning pages. It also includes pages for special dates, birthdays, weekly activities, and reference information. In addition, its spiral-bound design allows the planner to lay flat for easier writing.


The LearnZillion teacher lesson plan format combines online videos with teacher-created lesson plans to create a comprehensive plan that helps teachers deliver their lessons. Each lesson is based on a specific standard and can be broken down into a number of sub-topics and grade levels. Each lesson also includes teaching notes and any prerequisites that your students must meet before the lesson can be successfully completed.

In addition to providing an easy teacher lesson plan format, LearnZillion is also a great tool for teachers that want to customize their plans. A LearnZillion lesson plan can be used in the classroom or for work assigned at home. You can also use LearnZillion’s Common Core-ready Lesson Plans to help your students understand how to complete Common Core-based assessments.

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