Oh my goodness! You are perplexed and worried as you are about reading this right? Don't Worry dear, you must just be told that, you have to grade yourself before writing the exam....
The postponement came at such a time many hopes were high but it was also a blessing to those that aim high in this year JAMB.
In nutshell, how often do you read?
Are you seriously preparing? What are you weaknesses?
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Oh my goodness! You are perplexed and worried as you are about reading this right? Don't Worry dear, you must just be told that, you have to grade yourself before writing the exam....
The postponement came at such a time many hopes were high but it was also a blessing to those that aim high in this year JAMB.
In nutshell, how often do you read?
Are you seriously preparing? What are you weaknesses?
Use the REPLY BUTTON to get back to US.