100 Level Computer Science exam questions and the detailed answers. Download the answers in document format. Correct, detailed, and straightforward answers.
Formulas are ______________________________________________________
Function structure consists of _______________________ and _______________________
^ (caret) is an ______________ operator while & (ampersand) is ______________ operator.
Give the names of the following operators:
(i) Space ______________
(ii) % (Percent sign) ______________
(iii) & (Ampersand) ______________
(iv) , (Comma) ______________
(v) : (Colon) ______________
A reference identifies ______________
To refer to all cells in columns B through J use ______________
Mixed reference takes the form ______________
How would you make this address (B10) absolute? ______________
A formula must start with ______________
Formula bar is ______________
Absolute cell reference is ______________
Relative reference refers to ______________
Why is an Excel file called a workbook? ______________
If you click on the “Bold” button to make a cell boldface, how can you remove the bold trait? ______________
Give three examples of a spreadsheet and state two shortcomings of a spreadsheet compared with a database application.
Examples: ______________, ______________, and ______________
Shortcomings: ______________ and ______________
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