“… I am a Pharisee; a son of Pharisees; respect to the hope and resurrection of the dead am on trial”. This was part of the address of Paul

A. the Jerusalem crowd B. king Agrippa and Festus C. the Sanhedrin D. the tribune Correct Answer: Option C -…

2 years ago

“…Abstain from what has been sacrificed to idol and from blood and from what is strangled and from unchastity…” To which issue was the above a response?

A. Immoral behavior B. Circumcision controversy C. Idol worship D. Demon possession Correct Answer: Option B - Circumcision controversy

2 years ago

Paul and Barnabas were referred to as “gods” in Lystra because they

A. were agents of the unknown God B. silenced Elymas the magician C. healed a crippled man D. proclaimed the…

2 years ago

When Saul escaped from Damascus to Jerusalem after his conversion; the disciples in Jerusalem?

A. welcomed him B. were afraid of him C. were indifferent towards him D. were full of sympathy for him…

2 years ago

Saul’s encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus convinced him that

A. he needed salvation B. Jesus is the Son of God C. the faith of his fathers was right D.…

2 years ago

The apostles created a new office in the ministry besides prayers and preaching; in order to address the problem of

A. injustice B. false prophecy C. incest D. adultery Correct Answer: Option A - injustice

2 years ago

“… You have not lied to man but to God”. The immediate effect of this effect of this statement of Peter on the liar was that he

A. became afraid B. became ill C. fell down dead D. repented and was forgiven Correct Answer: Option C -…

2 years ago

Very early in the morning; on the first day of the week; three women went to the tomb of Jesus to

A. see whether he had risen B. decorate it C. anoint the body of Jesus D. see whether the soldiers…

2 years ago