‘But I will be with you and you will smite the Midianites as one man…’ This statement was addressed by God to

A. Moses B. Deborah C. Joshua D. Gideon Correct Answer: Option D - Gideon Explanation The LORD turned to him…

2 years ago

“Walk before me and be blameless.” This statement was addressed to Abraham at the age of _____

A. 75 B. 99 C. 100 D. 80 Correct Answer: Option B - 99 Explanation When Abram was ninety-nine years…

2 years ago

The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the?

A. Rosetta B. Code of Hammurabi C. Septuagint D. Roman Laws Correct Answer: Option B - Code of Hammurabi Explanation…

2 years ago

The complaints of the ______ led to the appointment of the deacons in the early church.

A. Hellenists B. Gentiles C. Pharisees D. Sadducees Correct Answer: Option A - Hellenists Explanation The main problem that led…

2 years ago

Where was the first place the disciples were called Christians?

A. Jerusalem B. Joppa C. Antioch D. Damascus Correct Answer: Option C - Antioch Explanation "And it was in Antioch…

2 years ago

The mountain where Moses saw the bush burning was called

A. Sinai B. Nebo C. Camel D. Horeb Correct Answer: Option D - Horeb Explanation The Burning Bush. Now Moses…

2 years ago

What was Ezekiel ordered to eat before he went to speak to the House of Israel?

A. Honey B. Locust C. Bread D. A Scroll Correct Answer: Option D - A Scroll Explanation Ezekiel was told…

2 years ago

What was the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham?

A. Smoke B. Fire C. Circumcision D. Children Correct Answer: Option C - Circumcision Explanation The token or sign of…

2 years ago

Who was the prophet of Hope in Babylon?

A. Amos B. Ezekiel C. Hosea D. Joel Correct Answer: Option B - Ezekiel

2 years ago

“The soul that sins shall die” was a prophesy by Prophet

A. Hosea B. Ezekiel C. Jonah D. Amos Correct Answer: Option B - Ezekiel Explanation "But the soul that sins…

2 years ago