Which of the following parable is peculiar to Matthew?

A. the Parable of the Sower B. Parables of the Good Samaritan C. the Barren Fig Tree D. the parable…

2 years ago

According to Mark; what was the only thing the disciples wasn’t forbidden to take for their journey?

A. Bread B. Bag C. Staff D. Money Correct Answer: Option C - Staff Explanation These were his instructions: "Take…

2 years ago

”And the King (Artaxerxes) said to me; ”why is your face sad; seeing you are not sick? This is nothing else but sadness of the heart”. Who was the king addressing

A. Jeremiah B. Nehemiah C. Amos D. Joel Correct Answer: Option B - Nehemiah Explanation The king was addressing Nehemiah…

2 years ago

”I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me; though he dies; yet shall he live; and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die….” Who did Jesus address this to?

A. Mary B. Martha C. Jairus daughter D. Thomas Correct Answer: Option B - Martha Explanation Your brother will rise…

2 years ago

In being unfaithful to her husband; _____ represented Israel whilst being unfaithful to God

A. Rahab B. Jezebel C. Gomer D. Rebecca Correct Answer: Option C - Gomer Explanation The prophet Hosea uses his…

2 years ago

The disciplines speaking in tongues was a fulfilment of a prophecy by?

A. Jeremiah B. Joel C. Micah D. Amos Correct Answer: Option B - Joel Explanation On the Day of Pentecost,…

2 years ago

In Paul’s letter to the ________; Paul explains that everyone; both the living and the dead; will share in Christ’s Resurrection at the time of his Second Coming.

A. Corinthians B. Galatians C. Philippians D. Thessalonians Correct Answer: Option D - Thessalonians

2 years ago

When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem; which group of people supported him?

A. The Sadducees B. The Pharisees C. The Hellenists D. The Women Correct Answer: Option B - The Pharisees Explanation…

2 years ago

Before the disciples casted the lot and chose Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot; the other candidate they had was?

A. Paul B. Barnabas C. Joseph D. Matthew Correct Answer: Option C - Joseph Explanation The disciples narrowed down the…

2 years ago

‘Eli; Eli; lama sabachthani?’ Whose accounts recorded these as Jesus’ words at the ninth hour?

A. John and Matthew B. Luke and Mark C. Mark and Matthew D. Luke and John Correct Answer: Option C…

2 years ago