According to the epistle of James; what was the royal law?

A. praying for one's enemies B. leaving vengeance to God C. submitting to authorities always D. loving one's neighbor as…

2 years ago

“…..Tend the flock of God…not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock…” Who made this statement?

A. Paul B. Peter C. John D. Mark Correct Answer: Option B - Peter Explanation 1 Peter 5:2

2 years ago

‘Hear now; you rebels’ shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock? This statement was made by _____ to the Israelites.

A. Abram B. Joshua C. Caleb D. Moses Correct Answer: Option D - Moses Explanation In the first month, the…

2 years ago

Under King _______; Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den.

A. Nebuchadnezzar B. Asa C. Darius D. Ahab Correct Answer: Option C - Darius Explanation Upon the advice of these…

2 years ago

At the Transfiguration of Jesus; Moses and Elijah appeared to represent the ______ and ______.

A. Israelites and their leaders B. law and the prophets C. the book and the gods D. none of the…

2 years ago

Hophni and Phinehas were the sons of?

A. Samuel B. Eli C. Jeroboam D. Asa Correct Answer: Option B - Eli Explanation They were the two sons…

2 years ago

The second temptation according to the gospel of Luke was?

A. worship Satan to receive great power. B. to turn stones into bread to satisfy his physical hunger. C. to…

2 years ago

Believers today are partakers of the New Covenant through?

A. partaking in baptism by immersion B. obedience to church leadership C. the gift of the spirit D. adherence to…

2 years ago

”But now that faith has come; we are no longer under a custodian…” Paul made this statement i n his letter to the

A. Thessalonians B. Galatians C. Philippians D. None of the above Correct Answer: Option B - Galatians Explanation Galatians 3:…

2 years ago

How many visions did Jeremiah see?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Correct Answer: Option B = 2 Explanation Jeremiah saw a visions of…

2 years ago