‘The word is near you; on your lips and in your heart…’ Paul in his letter to the Romans was referring to the word of

A. Faith B. Grace C. Law D. Power Correct Answer: Option A - Faith Explanation But what does it say?…

2 years ago

In Paul’s letter to the Romans; he who loves his neighbour has

A. gained eternal life B. fulfilled all law C. overcomed sin D. overcomed evil Correct Answer: Option B - fulfilled…

2 years ago

The first commandment with an attached promise is?

A. Love your neighbour as yourself B. Honor your father and your mother C. Thou shall not call the name…

2 years ago

King Saul disobeyed God by?

A. trying to kill David B. by not killing Goliath C. by not destroying the Philistines completely D. By not…

2 years ago

“Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned.” When Jonah passed this message to the people of Nineveh, what did they do?

A. They turned deaf ears. B. They declared a feast C. They declared a fast and put on sack clothes…

2 years ago

__________ had Christ’s body placed in his own tomb.

A. Simon of Cyrene B. Joseph of Judea C. Pontius Pilate D. Joseph of Arimathea Correct Answer: Option D -…

2 years ago

Jesus’ prophecy of Peter’s denial was made during?

A. his temptation of Jesus B. the last supper C. Mount Olives D. Gethsemane Correct Answer: Option B - the…

2 years ago

After the Israelites complained to Moses and Aaron; what did the Lord promise to feed the Israelites with in the morning?

A. Meat B. Fish C. Bread D. Nothing Correct Answer: Option C - Bread Explanation In the evening the Lord…

2 years ago

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem; who was the King of Judea?

A. Herod Agrippa B. Herod the Great C. Pontius Pilate D. Herod Antipas Correct Answer: Option B - Herod the…

2 years ago

God passed his message to the people of Nineveh through Prophet?

A. Ezekiel B. Jonah C. Jeremiah D. Hosea Correct Answer: Option B - Jonah Explanation The prophet Jonah is called…

2 years ago