At about the _______ hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice “Eli Eli lama sabach – thani”.

A. Ninth B. Eleventh C. Seventh D. Sixth Correct Answer: Option A A. Ninth Explanation At about the ninth hour,…

5 years ago

One of the following is not a quality of good discipleship ________?

A. self-denial B. total commitment C. exuberance D. prompt response Correct Answer: Option C C. exuberance Explanation Exuberance is the…

5 years ago

The essence of St. Paul’s teaching on Law and Grace is that ________?

A. observance of the law is necessary for redemption in Christ B. what God truly rewards is the prayer for…

5 years ago

“Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest!” This was ______ account of the Triumphal Entry?

A. Luke's B. Mark's C. Matthew's D. John's Correct Answer: Option C C. Matthew's Explanation Matthew's synoptic account (in Matthew…

5 years ago

Herod Agrippa persecuted Peter primarily to _____?

A. contain the news about Jesus' resurrection B. signal to the Apostles that he wouldn't tolerate them C. obstruct the…

5 years ago

The illustration of Satan, the adversary who prowls around seeking whom to devour, is particular to ________?

A. St. Peter's teaching on humility B. St. Paul's teaching on the second coming of Christ C. St. Peter's teaching…

5 years ago

When Ezekiel was called, he was shown a scroll on which were written words of _____?

A. wisdom, understanding, and right judgment B. bitterness, right judgment, and mourning C. lamentations, mourning, and woe D. lamentations, bitterness…

5 years ago

The most significant lesson at the scene of the Israelites’ blame of Moses in their struggle and escape from Egypt is that __________?

A. God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites B. they would have preferred to stay back and…

5 years ago

“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice. “This statement relates to the ______?

A. response of God's love to the children of Israel B. response of Israel to the genuineness of God's love…

5 years ago

When Jesus healed the paralytic, the anger of the scribes was aroused by His ______?

A. refusal to show them signs of His divinity B. nature of command to the paralytic C. claim to forgive…

5 years ago