Peter refuted the mockery of drunkenness of the disciples by referring to the prophecy of ______?

A. Ezekiel B. Isaiah C. Joel D. Jeremiah Correct Answer: Option C C. Joel Explanation "... but this is what…

5 years ago

In Matthew’s account, John the Baptist’s immediate reaction when Jesus came to be baptized was to _____?

A. ask that Jesus should rather baptize him B. ask why he should baptize a non-sinner C. wait for the…

5 years ago

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded Jerusalem and carried away all the treasures of the temple during the reign of _______?

A. Jehoiakim B. Mattaniah C. Jehoiachin D. Mannaseh Correct Answer: Option C C. Jehoiachin Explanation Jehoiachin is the correct answer.…

5 years ago

Joseph’s leadership quality was so exceptional so much that _______?

A. the Chief butler recommended him to Pharaoh B. God rewarded his action of committing adultery with Potiphar's wife C.…

5 years ago

According to Jeremiah, the Lord’s new covenant will be made with the house of ______ and the house of _____?

A. Judah, Levi B. Israel, Jacob C. Israel, Judah D. Elijah, Elisha Correct Answer: Option C C. Israel, Judah Explanation…

5 years ago

Which of the following was Pilate’s question to Jesus at his trial?

A. Are you Jesus, the prophet from Galilee? B. What evil have you done? C. Are you the king of…

5 years ago

St. Paul on ‘Civic Responsibility’ advised Christians not only to be law-abiding but also ______?

A. to provide moral advice to those in authority B. do what is expected of them C. shun membership of…

5 years ago

To St. James, a doer of the word of God must learn to also__________?

A. persevere in times of tribulation B. combine his faith with work C. be a listener of the word of…

5 years ago

Paul taught that spiritual gifts in all their varieties emanate from _________?

A. man's cordial relationship with God B. the one body of Christ C. the one spirit of God D. men's…

5 years ago

The Last Supper refers to the last meal Jesus had with His disciples immediately before His _____?

A. arrest and crucification B. crucification and death C. arrest and death D. betrayal and arrest Correct Answer: Option D…

5 years ago