In the book of Amos; selling the needy for a pair of shoes means ________?

A. the needy had the same value as shoes B. the needy did not need shoes C. shoes were much…

2 years ago

The excellent spirit in Daniel caused the Satraps to be _______?

A. Angry with him B. Jealous of him C. Bitter with him D. Friendly with him. Correct Answer: Option B…

2 years ago

Before rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem; Nehemiah first __________?

A. confided in a few people with his plan B. called a general meeting to assess the damage C. studied…

2 years ago

Which factor influenced King Artaxerxes to favour Nehemiah?

A. Faithfulness B. Tolerance C. Obedience D. Prayer Correct Answer: Option C - Obedience

2 years ago

The death of Josiah occurred when he _______?

A. crossed the Jordan to Hazor B. fought Pharaoh Neco at Megiddo C. fought the Babylonians at UR D. took…

2 years ago

King Josiah was inspired to reform the worship of God in Judah by the _________?

A. Priests of Yahweh B. Temple secretary, Shaphan C. Workers repairing the temple D. contents of the book of the…

2 years ago

The aftermath of Gehazi’s actions led to Elisha ______?

A. rebuking him for his greed B. commending him for his cleverness C. pronouncing a curse on him and his…

2 years ago

Naboth was killed so that _______?

A. God might punish Ahab and Jezebel B. Ahab's authority would prevail C. Ahab might own his property D. Ahab…

2 years ago

As a result of King Ahab’s sin; the people of Israel suffered __________?

A. pestilence B. drought C. plague D. earthquake. Correct Answer: Option B = drought

2 years ago

During the reign of King Ahab; Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho at the cost of the lives of his children ________?

A. Amram and Adonijah B. Hophni and Phinehas C. Abinadab and Malchishua D. Abiram and Segub Correct Answer: Option D…

2 years ago