According to Peter; a good citizen is one who?

A. builds houses and rents to those who do not have B. provides transport at a reduced cost to other…

2 years ago

Peter said that; when church elders tend their flock well; they would obtain?

A. the crown of glory B. prosperity C. love and holiness D. peace Correct Answer: Option A = the crown…

2 years ago

The Church demonstrates partiality when she?

A. accords the poor much respect B. respects the rich during worship C. reserves the best seats for rich D.…

2 years ago

To make prayers effective; James taught that Christians should?

A. pray without ceasing B. pray in tongues C. have congregational prayers D. avoid double mindedness Correct Answer: Option D…

2 years ago

King Herod arrested Peter because?

A. he hated the apostles B. he was the leader of the apostles C. he was very notorious D. James…

2 years ago

Saul was a native of?

A. Joppa B. Tarsus C. Damascus D. Jerusalem Correct Answer: Option B - Tarsus

2 years ago

For thou will not abandon my soul to Hades; nor let thy Holy one see corruption. Peter Used this Psalm of David to defend Jesus’

A. temptation B. crucifixion C. resurrection D. baptism Correct Answer: Option C - resurrection

2 years ago

The apostles preferred preaching to serving tables because?

A. they were not called for alms giving B. the Hellenists were complaining too much about discrimination C. they were…

2 years ago

The reason for the election of Matthias to replace Judas was to?

A. Show Peter's authority as a leader B. Fulfil the words of the scripture C. End the curse of Judas…

2 years ago

How was the sepulcher in which Jesus was laid secured by the Chief Priests?

A. Fixing a stone door and a lock B. Rolling a hewn rock to the entrance C. Setting a guard…

2 years ago